As if one can’t imagine there are good things about Ds! Well, I have news for you... there are actually lots of really cool and wonderful things about people with Down syndrome that seem to be directly influenced by that extra chromosome.
Today I will tell you my favorite part.
Summer is my last baby. This was known and agreed upon before she was even conceived. I love babies... I truly enjoy my time in “babyland”. But as any parent of a typical child can tell you, it’s short-lived. From infancy to a walking and talking toddler flies by. And woe to you if you blink, you’ll miss something that will never come again.

When a child has Down syndrome, a parent gets the pleasure of meandering through babyland. All of the stages last longer and are more defined. You need not worry about taking a nap with your eight month old and waking up with a ten month old. After raising two typical boys whose baby books have many blank pages (guess I must have napped quite a bit ;-), this came as an enjoyable relief to me.
I love babyland. I love the fact that my 15 month old still looks and acts like a baby. I’m in no hurry and neither is she.
Your Turn
What do you think is the best part about Down syndrome?
Answer this question by November 3 in the comments section of this post or in a post of your own (but make sure you comment here to let me know!) and you will be entered into the DSNM Fall giveaway. During the first week of December, I will post a list of my other favorite things about Ds and link to all your posts. I will also announce the random winner who will win the prize pack listed below.
The Fall Giveaway Prize Pack
It’s books! One for you and one for your baby. For the parent, it is Gifts 2: How People with Down Syndrome Enrich the World and for your baby it’s Little Feet Love (which I couldn’t even find on Amazon, so I'm linking its sister book). Oh, and of course some sweets for after the little ones are in bed... a Lindt Classics Caramel Assortment box of candy.
I very much agree with you on staying in babyland a little while longer. My favorite thing about Down Syndrome is when my boys reach a milestone its such a sweet celebration. Everyone realizes how much it took for them to get where they are and the boys are so much more appreciated for that. We have lots of celebrations around here these days :)
Oh, Stacy took mine! ;-) But I love how my 4yr old son with Down syndrome is able to so completely live in the moment. It gives him a resiliency that my other 3 never even approached. A setback, a roadblock, an "owie," nothing keeps him down for long; the word "discouragement" isn't in his vocabulary. He is completely in the moment, not moping about something that upset him five minutes ago, not worrying about what might happen five minutes from now, just completely absorbed in living and experiencing and loving.
ReplyDeleteThe very best thing about DS is that I will have a child who will always be willing to give me hugs and kisses wherever we are, at home or out in public, and won't care what other people think! So many parents of "normal" children complain about their children growing up, not accepting hugs or kisses anymore. No chance of that happening with my son, Stephen! He is a very loving child and he makes me so proud I could burst my buttons when he's with me!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part is the same as yours. Jax will be 4 next month and he still fits in his infant carrier. He is my last baby also so having him little for so long is a dream. I think his brain injury made him little longer, because he can't walk or talk yet. But I love snuggling my "baby" 3 year old.
ReplyDeleteI will make a post about my favorite thing :)
ReplyDeleteMy most favorite thing about Down syndrome is the wonderful, uninhibited joy, humour, laughter and love my son shows off every day. It's not unusual for him to be overwhelmed with love for his grandpa and then demand everyone hug one another for a family hug. Or when my son runs to me after school, with his arms flailing like a little bird, and the most beautiful smile on his face. I've often been accused of wearing my heart on my sleeve...Maybe I have a little extra on my 21st chromosone too. ;)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part is ironically the part that first alerts many expectant parents: my son's utterlt kissable back of his neck. I adore having him melt into my arms with his fantastic hugs, then smooching on that sweet lil neck of his. I often wonder at this moment of pure happiness how anyone could see this part as a sign of something bad.
ReplyDeleteforgive the typos! i am holding my baby while posting. oops!
ReplyDeleteNot that I've had a lot of experience with DS yet, Kheaven turned TWO WEEKS yesterday!.. but so far the best thing about Down Syndrome is getting to look into this world of amazing babies and parents... and the fact that I am happy every time he poops. I know that sounds funny, and I NEVER thought I'd be happy to change a dirty diaper, but when he has a BM I know there is no blockage and I am happy! :-D
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this post and am so glad to read what other people are posting. I haven't even known for a full week yet that K has DS and posts like this REALLY help! :-D
Thank you!
I love the innocence. The fact that my son doesn't see jealousy or envy in others, doesn't fuss when someone takes one of his toys, doesn't try to take others things - he just accepts everyone and everything at face value without. I love that.
ReplyDeleteJust like Amy (above), my little man is only a newborn (5 weeks), so it's hard to say. As a special ed teacher, my favorite thing about Ds was that the kids had really great senses of humor! As a parent, so far, I have to say that I just feel more thankful for all the little things (like BM's Amy -- totally!) that show me he's ok.
Oh my. Not sure I can narrow it down to just one. I love ALL of things mentioned above. I think my favorite are the Brushfield spots in his denim colored eyes. They just sparkle! My oldest daughter would say his "flip-flop" toes, though! :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing so far about DS is connecting and meeting new people through this wonderful world of DS. In my sons 4 short months of life he has taught me so much about myself and how selfish I was before he came along. He has allowed me to meet a whole new set of friends. Thanks Baby Beau!!
ReplyDeleteMy newly found joy in the simple things. I love how Parker loves everyone. Even the doctors who have been the reason for more than just a little bit of pain and tears.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about having a baby with Ds is showing others that he is like any other baby. Elijah changes other people's attitudes and assumptions about Ds and other disabilities.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great question. I think my favorite part about Down syndrome is that it changed me and my family. We are less ready to judge and be critical. We see and appreciate things in others we never did before. It's a good change.
ReplyDeleteBabyland is good too. xox
My Favorite thing about DS is that having Ricki taught me to accept and love the positive things in everyone, and to avoid dwelling on the negative. I then applied this to my (then) teens. It was beneficial for all of us.
ReplyDeleteOzzie sat up for real yesterday -- all by himself, over and over again -- for the first time and I cannot tell enough people. I can't believe how huge this is. Babies learn to sit, right? But after 14.5 months, Ozzie has figured it out and I couldn't be prouder. And his big sister is telling everyone too. Makes me cry to see how proud she is of her little brother. So DS has taught me about the little things. I can't get enough of the little things!
ReplyDeleteHer smile would have to be my favorite. Its always sincere. I posted on my blog, too.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing is the warmth, the glow and the feeling you get in your heart from having so much love for your child with ds. It is a love that is so strong that it is hard to describe. The best way I can describe it is that I could be having a bad day and with one look at Wysdom he gives me a smile..and all that other stuff can be melted away in and instant and I am captivated and fully brought back to the feeling of love. What a life lesson that is. What a rare gift.
ReplyDeleteThe best part about Down syndrome is the gift of clarity it has bestowed upon me. Fate has crafted for me a pair of priceless spectacles fitted with the twin lenses of enlightenment and empathy. I can't take them off, and I wouldn't even if I could. Sometimes I'm harshly reminded that others don't see the world through my eyes. Some refuse to see it - poor cave creatures, eternally blind. How fortunate I am to finally, really, see clearly.
ReplyDeleteThat's the best part about Down syndrome.
It's so hard to choose just one thing. My daughter is only a year old, but she's so amazing! I think the one thing that I love the most about people with DS is the sweet innocence in their eyes and their demeanor.
ReplyDeleteLike I said, my daughter is only a year old, but day after day I feel inspired and uplifted just by the look in her eyes.
Although I don't have a child with DS, I do have a lot of dealings as I coach Special Olympics.
ReplyDeleteI can say that what I have witnessed is that DS qualities include being happy most of the time, being caring and never being judgemental. I truly feel that those born with DS are a gift from God.
i posted:) I love reading all the above comments. Truly there isnt just one thing to love about these little ones, but I tried! I agree pooping is a fabulous thing! LOL
ReplyDeleteWhile navigating the world of pediatric leukemia this past year,we had the privilege of falling in love with another chromosomally enhanced little love named Sol Merie.This girl was pure magic.I say was because she sadly and totally unfairly, lost her fight this past June.While talking with her dad after her passing he reminded me of the misguided impression others have of people with Down syndrome,and it was this:"The world believes that these beautiful children come to us and from the moment they are born rely completely and fully on us,when in fact, they are born and we quickly realize it is US who completely and fully need THEM"I couldn't agree more and will never forget his words or forget sweet Sol Merie.My daughter Caitlin is published in Gifts 2 and she speaks of the clarity and perspective through a pair of rose colored glasses, that came with Zoey's birth and in my eyes that is the best part of having a child with Down syndrome ... oh yeah and their cute little feet and toes and squeezable chubby hands and darling eyes and kissable backs of their heads and ...well you get the idea!
ReplyDeleteI love Maddie's smile...she smiles with her whole body...her hugs are big, warm, and so calming...and I love how when she does not like something she lets us know with the greatest wrinkled/scrunched face...she is priceless!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing is similiar to BlessedMom's. My daughter with DS is 12 and she still loves me purely, abundantly and without the complications that come when our typical children get a little older. When we are sitting together she wants to always have her leg thrown over mine, or her head on my shoulder or to be leaning up against me.
ReplyDeleteI love, love, love Heather's comment about us needing them - WORD!
My favorite part is the journey of becoming better--I posted about it.
ReplyDeleteFor me it has been an overwhelming empathy and compassion for all human life. Having a child who is 'different' forced me to break down stereotypes and predjudices that I never knew I had. It makes me want to defend and advocate all of those in our society who are vulnerable and overlooked.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea - but so hard - my very favourite?? There are so many good things... well firstly I guess it would have to be that my most favourite thing about DS is my gorgeous daughter Hannah - cos I can't tell which parts of her are ds or not ds - I'll just say the whole package is adorable!! lol. Then there are her friends - or her 'people' as DH and I sometimes refer to others with DS - they're pretty marvellous too and then there is the fantastic community of special needs families - and especially the mamas that I just love being part of. There is the advantage of perspective that having a child that is 'different' brings - I enjoy the freedom that comes with that. There is the 'kindness of strangers' or the fact that Han can give people an opportunity to really shine - to be their best loving compassionate, patient and funny selves. I could go on but you did say 'favourite' so I'd best stop now!
ReplyDeleteI think my favorite part (thus far) is just how *changed* it has made me. How, whenever I start to worry about the future or fret about B's delays, I just have to hold him and kiss him and drink him in. He has changed my entire perspective on parenting, on people, and just on life in general. :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part about having a little girl with Down syndrome is that at 13 months, she still isn't getting into everything! I am very grateful for that and it gives me more time to chase after 3 other girls who are always getting into something. (I did however, secretly tell Aubrey, that if she would get moving-crawling-I would baby proof the house for her WILLINGLY:)
ReplyDeleteMy answer is up on today's post!
I didn't realize, till just now, that this was part of the giveaway. I just did the post because it is a great topic! Since I know, now, though, here's the link to my post about the best thing about Down syndrome! ~Courtney
Late to the party! Here's my post about the best part:
Love this idea so much! Thanks!
I agree it is so hard to pick just one. For me the best part of Down Syndrome is the life long friends that we have met in the last year and a half. Our little B is such a joy in our life and has opened our minds so that we can see things so differently. He truely is the most beautiful gift we could have ever received..