Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Pregnant Pause

I have to tell you that I love this blog but for now I cannot give it the attention it deserves. I have several posts in the hopper, and many many more swirling around my brain. But these days I am suffering from feeling like I am nine months pregnant with a million things to do before my “twins” get here. And so I must take a rest until I go out on maternity leave.

What’s coming up? Lots of birth announcements, a couple financial planning posts, stage three toys, another trip to the library, and an in-depth look at several alternative therapies. There will be more polls, more giveaways, and more gorgeous babies to see.

I thank you all for your support, and your comments which make this blog useful to so many other parents, and I look forward to getting back here at the end of summer with another baby to try things out on ;-)

In the meantime you can always email me if you have a question, birth announcement, or want to get your blog added to the rolls.


  1. I wish you a speedy delivery :)!!! xo

  2. Yes a speedy delivery indeed! Bring those girls HOME!! I donated. It isn't much, but every penny counts I know.

  3. Oh yes, I am hoping for speedy :-)

    Csunshinegirl... if everybody did what you did, we would be done fundraising! We are grateful to you.

  4. I am AMAZED you've been able to keep up as much as you have! I can barely manage one blog these days, LOL. I'm anxioiusly awaiting your girls arrival.

  5. I love your blog. It's really helpful. Since I just had a baby boy April 3, 2010 that was born with Down Syndrome. We are still learning about DS.

  6. HUGS to you!!! Look forward to your return :) Now....go get those babies!!!


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